PHOTO: File/Postmedia News; As culinary authority, author and member of the Order of Canada Elizabeth Baird explains in an interview, butter tarts are "on an incredible high at the moment."
Laura Brehaut/Postmedia News
Originally published on January 9, 2015; Postmedia
Originally published on January 9, 2015; Postmedia
Canadians were searching for comfort food in 2014. Simplicity, economy and a return to retro or heritage recipes are the themes in Canada’s top trending recipes for the year. Broken down by province and territory, the list is the result of analysis done by Google researchers Danielle Bowers and Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. For every recipe search in 2014, the researchers calculated the highest-valued recipe for each province and territory.
Calgary Herald: January 24, 2015; page G12
The Windsor Star: January 21, 2015; page C1 / Front
Calgary Herald: January 24, 2015; page G12
The Windsor Star: January 21, 2015; page C1 / Front