PHOTOS: Laura Brehaut; The Nesselrode Pie cocktail, from Ally Martin, pictured, and Emily O'Brien of Hi-Lo Bar in Toronto
Laura Brehaut/Postmedia News
Originally published on May 15, 2014; canada.com
Originally published on May 15, 2014; canada.com
Nesselrode Pie could be considered a forgotten pleasure. The cream pie, containing the essential ingredient chestnut purée, was named after Count Karl R. Nesselrode, a 19th-century Russian statesman. It makes an appearance in the gastronomic encyclopedia Larousse Gastronomique but you may have a hard time finding it in today’s bakeries. The creamy, fruity chestnut dessert proved to be an appropriate parallel for this cocktail recipe, courtesy of bartenders Ally Martin and Emily O’Brien of Hi-Lo Bar in Toronto.