PHOTO: Kris Kirkham; Stuffed Ukrainian pasta (varenyky) from Mamushka: Recipes from Ukraine and Eastern Europe by by Olia Hercules.
Laura Brehaut, Postmedia News
Originally published on March 18, 2016; National Post
Originally published on March 18, 2016; National Post
This Easter, turn your culinary sights eastward, to the cuisine of Ukraine. There are of course the classic, filled dumplings – varenyky, or pyrohy, to many Ukrainian Canadians. But there’s also the fresh and flavourful – green borshch, bright with sorrel – and the lightly sweet and symbolic paska (traditional Orthodox Easter bread studded with raisins). Forget those commonly held misconceptions: foods of varying shades of grey and beige with a side of overcooked cabbage. The dishes of Ukraine and Eastern Europe are rich and varied in their influences.